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Men or Women: Who Has A Higher Risk of Potential Dental Problems?

May 7, 2019

When it comes to men and women, being human is pretty much all we have in common. The chemical, mental, physical and emotional makeup of men and women are completely different. It goes without saying that health problems that are prevalent in women may not be so in men, and vice versa. 

Dental issues are no exception. Of course, there are many factors that go into it, but in general, who has the higher risk of potential dental problems?

And the Winner Is…

According to the ADA, there are quite a few factors that make women a bit more proactive about their oral health than men. According to research, women are a whopping twice as likely to stay on track with their yearly dental checkups than men. 

The good practices aren’t left at the door of the dentist’s office. Women encompass an all-over better attitude and track record when keeping up with their oral health at home. That includes flossing, brushing, rinsing and keeping regular cleaning appointments.

Men and Their Risk Factors

Potential dental problems are based on both tendencies and hereditary factors. Statistically, men partake in more behaviors that can be detrimental to oral health. Not only do men visit the dentist less, but they are more likely than women to chew tobacco, smoke cigarettes, and drink alcohol on a regular basis, bordering on over-consumption.

Again, these are statistics pulled from scientific studies, and do not ring true for every man. However, the studies have shown that carcinogenic products that harm oral health are consumed by men at a much higher level than women. Along with other dental problems, these actions can cause oral cancer and gum disease. 

Periodontal Health Statistics

According to a study published in the Journal of Periodontology and sourced by the ADA, women are more likely than men to floss on a daily basis, by about 26%. Also, men are more likely to leave dental decay untreated, allowing the problems to spread and worsen.

Periodontists help contribute to overall health as well, not oral alone, and women are more aware of this than men. Based on statistics alone, men are indeed facing a higher risk of dental problems than women. All it really takes to lessen the risk, are a few dental visits and a good brush up on routine care.

Overall, women are typically the better dental patient. But creating a healthy oral routine could make you the star patient at your dentist, too!