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Why Is It Important to Go to the Dentist Every 6 Months?

January 6, 2019

You may be wondering if it’s really necessary to go to the dentist’s office twice per year for a teeth cleaning and oral exam. Is it really that important?

The answer, of course, is “yes!” A 6-month oral exam and teeth cleaning is the single most important thing you can do for your oral health, beyond brushing and flossing properly. Why?

Here are just 3 reasons.

1. Any Potential Issues Can Be Caught Early

Most oral health problems, like cavities and gum disease, can be treated and reversed if they’re caught early. Minor cavities can be resolved with better oral care and a fluoride treatment, in many cases. Gingivitis can be eliminated before it progresses into irreversible gum disease.

By coming to the dentist every 6 months, your dentist will be able to track any potential issues with your teeth and provide you with the preventive treatment you need to avoid further harm to your oral health.

2. Your Insurance Probably Covers the Cost of Your Appointment

If you have dental insurance, chances are that it covers 100% of the cost of two teeth cleanings and oral exams per year. So, if you’re not making use of this coverage, you’re essentially leaving money on the table!

3. You Can Keep Your Teeth Looking Their Best

A regular teeth cleaning helps remove plaque and tartar that can’t be removed from normal brushing and flossing alone, which keeps your teeth looking bright, polished, and beautiful. Who doesn’t love that freshly-cleaned feeling after visiting the dentist?

See Your Dentist Every Six Months – It’s the Best Choice In The Long Run!

If you choose to see your dentist regularly for cleanings and oral exams, you’ll save time and money, keep your teeth shiny and bright, and ensure you’re free of any major oral health issues. So, don’t wait – make your next appointment today!